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IDEA: Second Meeting of the Inter-Regional Dialogue on Democracy



IDEA: Second Meeting of the Inter-Regional Dialogue on Democracy


Driven by the regional entities around the world, the ASEAN Secretariat and International IDEAwill host the Second Meeting of the Inter-Regional Dialogue on Democracy on 1 May 2012 in Jakarta.

The Inter-Regional Dialogue on Democracy is a platform for engagement among regional organizations on democracy. Apart from the ASEAN Secretariat, other participating organizations include the African Union, European Union, League of Arab States, Pacific Islands Forum, Organization of American States, and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation with International IDEA as the facilitator.

“This high-level meeting provides a forum for both policy-makers and practitioners from regional organisations around the world to exchange views, best practices and experiences on democracy and institutional building,” said H.E. Dr Surin Pitsuwan, the Secretary-General of ASEAN. “The region is committed to the principles of democracy and the rule of law in its community-building efforts,” Dr Surin further added.

This year’s theme on ‘Promoting and Ensuring Inclusive Political Participation and Representation Among Our Regions’ responds to the recent democratic movements around the globe and highlights the role that Regional Organisations can play.

Former President Fidel V. Ramosof the Republic of the Philippines will share his personal experiences in restoring and strengthening democracy as the guest speaker during a diplomatic Luncheon.

”It is indeed fitting that we hear the voice of experience and words of wisdom from one of the region’s illustrious senior statesmen during this event,” Dr Surin said.

Later in the afternoon, Dr Surin Pitsuwan will moderate an ASEAN Secretariat Policy Forum where Heads of the participating regional organizations will share their views on democracy and related issues and the importance of political participation and representation. Professor Kishore Mahbubani, Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore, will set the stage for the forum with his reflections on the political transformation that has unfolded around the world and its implications on ASEAN. Followed by a Question & Answer session, the forum is open to the Jakarta-based diplomatic community and other guests from the region, representatives from international and regional organisations, think-tanks, and the media.

According to International IDEA's Secretary-General Vidar Helgesen: “Inclusive political participation is vital for sustainable democracy. Recent events have reaffirmed that the citizen is at the heart of democracy and it is now clearer than ever that all democracies need to deliver on their promise of true citizen participation and representation.”

For more information, see IDEA.
