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Serbia improves position of women in politics

World News

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

Serbia improves position of women in politics


Women are taking an increasingly active role as decision-makers in Serbian politics, but some bloggers say more steps should be taken to ensure greater participation at the highest levels of government.

While there were virtually no women in politics in Serbia in the recent past, the situation changed since the democratic changes in 2000 that culminated with the passage in 2011 of the country's election law, which stipulates women must constitute 30 percent of Serbia's parliament.

At present, women constitute 33 percent of MPs.

We invite our readers to read the full article published on July 18th 2014.


Women are taking an increasingly active role as decision-makers in Serbian politics, but some bloggers say more steps should be taken to ensure greater participation at the highest levels of government.

While there were virtually no women in politics in Serbia in the recent past, the situation changed since the democratic changes in 2000 that culminated with the passage in 2011 of the country's election law, which stipulates women must constitute 30 percent of Serbia's parliament.

At present, women constitute 33 percent of MPs.

We invite our readers to read the full article published on July 18th 2014.
