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Grassroots Academy in Latin America and the Caribbean



Grassroots Academy in Latin America and the Caribbean

Location: Lima, Peru
The Grassroots Academy is a conference by and for grassroots women leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean to share their experiences, knowledge and skills. Among diverse women representing grassroots organizations from rural and urban areas, we will debate the political issues that form the context for our work, such as decentralization and access to land, housing and markets.
The central themes are:
Engaging with local and national governments to secure rights and access to land, housing and basic services Economic empowerment through communal banks, small businesses, creative marketing and various forms of micro-finance.
Sustainable agriculture practices Community organizing and mobilization methods Safer Cities for women.
We will also develop a two-year regional plan for the continued transfer of skills and knowledge and implementation of practices. The plan will seek to transfer skills and knowledge and achieve the implementation of new practices through peer exchanges. It will also have a focus on regional political issues surrounding this work.
Registration Fee: $125
Special consideration will be made to waive the fee if this is a limiting factor for any participant.
For more information, please visit the Huairou Commission's Website