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Saudi Arabia: Legislating a Practice

World News

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

Saudi Arabia: Legislating a Practice


The recent story of a 50-year-old Saudi man’s marriage to an 8-year-old girl made international news and generated renewed efforts to protect children from sexual abuse, including child marriage.In the case of that particular child, the outcome was the one desired: the husband agreed to divorce his child wife under pressure from within Saudi Arabia and without, but that is not the end of similar stories elsewhere.
To read the full article please visit The Jordan Times website.


The recent story of a 50-year-old Saudi man’s marriage to an 8-year-old girl made international news and generated renewed efforts to protect children from sexual abuse, including child marriage.In the case of that particular child, the outcome was the one desired: the husband agreed to divorce his child wife under pressure from within Saudi Arabia and without, but that is not the end of similar stories elsewhere.
To read the full article please visit The Jordan Times website.
