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Backsliding democracies and women’s rights in the U.S. and around the globe
Source: Ms. Magazine
Backsliding democracies and women’s rights in the U.S. and around the globe
Source: Ms. Magazine
Can a democracy where women have never been equal ever really thrive? How are attacks on democracy tied to gender equity? What can we learn from past fights to protect and expand women’s rights in order to chart a path forward? A two-part virtual discussion hosted by Ms. magazine in partnership…
Gender guide launch event, 9 March
Gender guide launch event, 9 March
Virtual Report Launch Event: Gender-Sensitive Scrutiny: A Guide to More Effective Law-Making and Oversight INTER PARES held a launch event on Wednesday, 9 March to celebrate the publication of its new gender-scrutiny guide written by Senior Gender Adviser Hannah Johnson.  The launch event…
Situation analysis on women's political participation in Africa
Situation analysis on women's political participation in Africa
On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2022, the Women in Political Participation (WPP) project invites you to the webinar Situation Analysis on Women's Political Participation in Africa: #BreakTheBias towards women in political decision making. Click here to access the video. 
The impact of COVID-19 on women’s political participation
Source: UNDP
The impact of COVID-19 on women’s political participation
Source: UNDP
The regional electoral assistance project hold the 9th webinar about the impact of Covid-19 on women’s political participation. The webinar focused on the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable and marginalized communities, particularly the effects it has had on the political participation of women.…
Side-event to CSW65: Role of EMBs in promoting women's political participation
Source: UNDP
Side-event to CSW65: Role of EMBs in promoting women's political participation
Source: UNDP
This webinar, co-organized by UNDP and the Electoral Assistance Division of the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, aimed at raising awareness on the status of women’s political participation and showcasing the efforts of EMBs in tackling the many obstacles women face…
Women Out To Win Convening
Women Out To Win Convening
Women in politics- challenges faced by women in the path of politics in Fiji
Women in politics- challenges faced by women in the path of politics in Fiji
By Rajan Murty  As a build-up to the Annual National Forum on Women in Politics to be held on 27 October 2021, International IDEA’s Asia and the Pacific Regional Programme organized a webinar entitled “Challenges faced by Women in the Path of Politics”. This topic is relevant…
"Gender parity in politics: the state of play" webinar
"Gender parity in politics: the state of play" webinar
The webinar "Gender parity in politics: the state of play" took place on 29 May. It hosted a discussion with Jaimie Just, Policy Advisor on Equality and Diversity at CEMR, who presented the key findings of the study “Women in Politics: Local and European Trends" and Sally Kneeshaw, URBACT Programme…
Female leaders shaping the world of the future: Building a new normal
Female leaders shaping the world of the future: Building a new normal
As the world battles the health, social and economic impacts of COVID-19, the pandemic offers an unprecedented opportunity: the opportunity to write a new “normal”. A normal that forms our societies’ perceptions of women as well as women’s access to equal opportunities and leadership, and overhauls…