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Seminar: Taking legislative action to end violence against women and girls



Seminar: Taking legislative action to end violence against women and girls

As part of its campaign /Parliaments Take Action on Violence against Women/, the IPU is organizing, with the National Assembly of Burkina Faso, a seminar for *Central and West African Parliaments* on legislative action to end violence against women and girls.  This
seminar seeks to provide parliamentarians of the region with the elements of a comprehensive and multisectoral response to violence against women. The participants will be examining in particular the various components of legislation and the legislative process  required to ensure an effective response to the problem as well as best practices.
The seminar will take place in Ouagadougou from 30 March to 1^st April 2011.  It will provide participants with an opportunity to:
Take stock of the situation regarding violence against women and girls in the region by highlighting the causes and consequences of this form of violence and the obstacles encountered in putting an end to it;
Express their opinions and compare the experiences of different countries in the region in combating violence against women and girls; and
Identify appropriate parliamentary action to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of women and girls and their right to a life free of violence.
For further information, see the section on the event on the IPU's
