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The Americas and the Caribbean

Latin America: a pioneer in promoting women’s political participation

May 15, 2014

Latin America: a pioneer in promoting women’s political participation

Progress and challenges for women politicians in the region

Progress and challenges for women politicians in the region

World News

17-year-olds voted at higher rate than parents in primary

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17-year-olds voted at higher rate than parents in primary


Given the chance to vote for the first time in the March primary, 17 year olds turned out at a higher rate in Cook County than voters old enough to be their parents, according to a new study released today.

Given the chance to vote for the first time in the March primary, 17 year olds turned out at a higher rate in Cook County than voters old enough to be their parents, according to a new study released today.

Unseeing Eyes: Media Coverage and Gender in Latin American Elections

May 7, 2014

Unseeing Eyes: Media Coverage and Gender in Latin American Elections

In a society where mass media is the main venue for political information and electoral competition, limited visibility during a campaign can be challenging to a candidate and limit the possibilities of being elected.

In a society where mass media is the main venue for political information and electoral competition, limited visibility during a campaign can be challenging to a candidate and limit the possibilities of being elected.

Gender-Sensitive Media: A Voluntary Code of Ethics

May 6, 2014

Gender-Sensitive Media: A Voluntary Code of Ethics

The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to help individual journalists, media persons, management and owners of media houses to promote gender justice in their organizational policies as well as in their professions to become better at their work, by accepting and applying an estab
The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to help individual journalists, media persons, management and owners of media houses to promote gender justice in their organizational policies as well as in their professions to become better at their work, by accepting and applying an estab


Wear Red for Women - A campaign to eradicate violence against women


Wear Red for Women - A campaign to eradicate violence against women

This event will consist of a video presentation on violence against women and brief interventions from the OAS Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza and some OAS Permanent Mission Representatives

Parliaments and Gender Equality: Gender mainstreaming in legislatures

May 1, 2014

Parliaments and Gender Equality: Gender mainstreaming in legislatures

The experience accumulated by the UNDP with other institutions is synthesized in the proposal we hereby present today: “Parliaments and Gender Equality. Gender mainstreaming in legislatures”.

The experience accumulated by the UNDP with other institutions is synthesized in the proposal we hereby present today: “Parliaments and Gender Equality. Gender mainstreaming in legislatures”.