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Biden's first year: A mirage of gender parity

Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

February 8, 2022

Biden's first year: A mirage of gender parity

Source: The Hill

Joseph Robinette Biden stood before America answering questions for nearly two hours the day before his one-year anniversary of becoming president. The press lobbed question after question on Russia, the pandemic, the economy, voting rights and even the status of his inner circle.

That last one caught my attention: He said he was “satisfied with his team,” His team is his so-called gang of four closest advisers, all white men. Ron Klain, Mike Donilon, Steve Ricchetti and Bruce Reed. I would have liked to ask why so many leadership positions are still going to men.

Click here to read the full article published by The Hill on 26 January 2022.

Lindsay L. Rodman
The Hill
Publication year
Biden's first year: A mirage of gender parity  - © Washington Post/Pool/ The Hill

Joseph Robinette Biden stood before America answering questions for nearly two hours the day before his one-year anniversary of becoming president. The press lobbed question after question on Russia, the pandemic, the economy, voting rights and even the status of his inner circle.

That last one caught my attention: He said he was “satisfied with his team,” His team is his so-called gang of four closest advisers, all white men. Ron Klain, Mike Donilon, Steve Ricchetti and Bruce Reed. I would have liked to ask why so many leadership positions are still going to men.

Click here to read the full article published by The Hill on 26 January 2022.

Lindsay L. Rodman
The Hill
Publication year