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Women candidates rewrite the political playbook

Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

October 25, 2018

Women candidates rewrite the political playbook

Source: Gender Watch 2018

The impact of record numbers of women candidates has already been felt this election cycle. The #MeToo movement and anger about the outcome of the 2016 presidential contest has driven women to break free from some of the conventions that have constrained them in the past. The political playbook that dictates how campaigns are run, which was largely written by men for men, is increasingly being set aside as women run on their own terms.

Win or lose in November, here’s how women have disrupted the midterms and what this means for 2020.

Click here to read the full article published by Gender Watch 2018 on 23 September 2018.

Focus areas

The impact of record numbers of women candidates has already been felt this election cycle. The #MeToo movement and anger about the outcome of the 2016 presidential contest has driven women to break free from some of the conventions that have constrained them in the past. The political playbook that dictates how campaigns are run, which was largely written by men for men, is increasingly being set aside as women run on their own terms.

Win or lose in November, here’s how women have disrupted the midterms and what this means for 2020.

Click here to read the full article published by Gender Watch 2018 on 23 September 2018.

Focus areas