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Enhancing youth political participation throughout the electoral cycle

Report / White Paper

April 28, 2014

Enhancing youth political participation throughout the electoral cycle

The inclusion of youth in formal politics is important, as the 2011/2012 arab States popular uprisings and various occupy movements have demonstrated. In countries in transition, fresh ideas and new leadership can help to overcome authoritarian practices. Where youth-led protests have forced authoritarian regimes from power, significant frustration is likely to arise if youth are not included in new formal decision-making. This can destabilize democratization and accelerate conflict dynamics.
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The inclusion of youth in formal politics is important, as the 2011/2012 arab States popular uprisings and various occupy movements have demonstrated. In countries in transition, fresh ideas and new leadership can help to overcome authoritarian practices. Where youth-led protests have forced authoritarian regimes from power, significant frustration is likely to arise if youth are not included in new formal decision-making. This can destabilize democratization and accelerate conflict dynamics.
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