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Summary of the e-Discussion on Women's Participation in Public Life

Discussion Summaries

October 7, 2020

Summary of the e-Discussion on Women's Participation in Public Life

This e-Discussion raised awareness on the different ways and forms women participate in public life outside of formal political institutions, such as in women’s and feminist movements, civic demonstrations and initiatives and online activism. Women in politics, civil society activists, practitioners and researchers joined this e-Discussion from 24 August to 14 September 2020. Seven contributions from the Americas, Asia, Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa were received.

Along with our partners, we would like to extend our thanks to all followers who took the time to answer the questions of this e-Discussion and share experiences, practices, and recommendations.

The contributions are summarized here.

Resource type
iKNOW Politics
Publication year
October 2020
Focus areas

This e-Discussion raised awareness on the different ways and forms women participate in public life outside of formal political institutions, such as in women’s and feminist movements, civic demonstrations and initiatives and online activism. Women in politics, civil society activists, practitioners and researchers joined this e-Discussion from 24 August to 14 September 2020. Seven contributions from the Americas, Asia, Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa were received.

Along with our partners, we would like to extend our thanks to all followers who took the time to answer the questions of this e-Discussion and share experiences, practices, and recommendations.

The contributions are summarized here.

Resource type
iKNOW Politics
Publication year
October 2020
Focus areas