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Uganda: 'People find us easy targets': Women politicians face a torrent of online abuse but say they won't stop their work

Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

May 25, 2023

Uganda: 'People find us easy targets': Women politicians face a torrent of online abuse but say they won't stop their work

Source: CNN

Doreen Nyanjura is a modern politician. She announced on Twitter that she would be standing in Uganda's 2026 presidential election; has a name for her supporters -- the Nyanjuraholics -- and has characterized her platform with a catchy hashtag: #ThePoliticalAntidote.

But with this presence online, Nyanjura says she faces the now-standard challenges of being a woman in politics: in addition to the tweets of support or derision that most politicians on social media have become accustomed to, Nyanjura also receives tweets of misogynistic mockery.

Click here to read the full article published by CNN on 25 May 2023.

Adie Vanessa Offiong
Inter-Parliamentary Union

Doreen Nyanjura is a modern politician. She announced on Twitter that she would be standing in Uganda's 2026 presidential election; has a name for her supporters -- the Nyanjuraholics -- and has characterized her platform with a catchy hashtag: #ThePoliticalAntidote.

But with this presence online, Nyanjura says she faces the now-standard challenges of being a woman in politics: in addition to the tweets of support or derision that most politicians on social media have become accustomed to, Nyanjura also receives tweets of misogynistic mockery.

Click here to read the full article published by CNN on 25 May 2023.

Adie Vanessa Offiong
Inter-Parliamentary Union