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Course Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean at the local level: democratic governance and inclusive development



Course Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean at the local level: democratic governance and inclusive development

In September 2015, 193 world leaders committed 17 Global Objectives to achieve in the next 15 years, "Eradicating extreme poverty. Combating inequality and injustice. Solving climate change."

Goals Goal 5 seek gender equality and empower women and girls, including ending all forms of discrimination and violence against women, the elimination of harmful practices, recognition of unpaid care and housework . Other Objectives emphasize the importance of ensuring the full and effective participation of women and equal opportunities for leadership, as well as universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.

Currently, in Latin America, only 12.3 percent of mayors are women. UN Women promotes the adoption of new laws and constitutional reforms to ensure equal access of women to political spheres. We cooperate with UN teams in countries and work with civil society to boost programs that the election rights of women are respected.

To provide support to Goal 5, the Training Center UN Women presents the course "Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean at the local level: democratic governance and inclusive development". The course facilitates the development of skills to integrate gender equality as an essential factor of democracy and local development, and provides tools for defining local public policies that put human rights and equality relationship.

The next offering of this course will be held from April 4 to June 3, 2016 (9 weeks) in Spanish.
