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KOREA: Korean's Women Lawmakers in Comparison

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KOREA: Korean's Women Lawmakers in Comparison


The road to women’s participation in politics has indeed been rocky. Even in the United States, a country dedicated to equal rights and the dignity of its people, women had to fight to get the right to vote.
Many things started to change after women were given suffrage with the passage of the 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in 1920.The most representative of all changes in the U.S. was the adoption of the Sheppard-Towner Act a year later. The law authorized the granting of federal aid to states for maternity, child health and welfare programs. The men in Congress, who neglected such “trivial” matters before the passage of the law, started to pay attention to these issues, as they were conscious of the power women voters wielded. Thanks to law’s enactment, it is said that the lives of more than 20,000 American children are saved annually. To read further please visit JoongAng Daily website.


The road to women’s participation in politics has indeed been rocky. Even in the United States, a country dedicated to equal rights and the dignity of its people, women had to fight to get the right to vote.
Many things started to change after women were given suffrage with the passage of the 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in 1920.The most representative of all changes in the U.S. was the adoption of the Sheppard-Towner Act a year later. The law authorized the granting of federal aid to states for maternity, child health and welfare programs. The men in Congress, who neglected such “trivial” matters before the passage of the law, started to pay attention to these issues, as they were conscious of the power women voters wielded. Thanks to law’s enactment, it is said that the lives of more than 20,000 American children are saved annually. To read further please visit JoongAng Daily website.
