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ICT for Women’s Rights – APC looks at Beijing +15

Academic Paper / Article

October 17, 2013

ICT for Women’s Rights – APC looks at Beijing +15

When the Beijing Platform came into being way back in 1995 activists in the women’s movement was only just learning about “new” technologies like email and websites – in fact APC‘s women’s programme took a forty-person team to Beijing and gave hundreds of our fellow women’s rights advocates their first glimpse of the World Wide Web. The UN Secretary General’s report on the fifteen-year review, specifically mentioned the significance of media and ICT to women’s rights, including use of media and ICT in combating violence against women.

Media and communication have been turned upside down since Beijing.

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When the Beijing Platform came into being way back in 1995 activists in the women’s movement was only just learning about “new” technologies like email and websites – in fact APC‘s women’s programme took a forty-person team to Beijing and gave hundreds of our fellow women’s rights advocates their first glimpse of the World Wide Web. The UN Secretary General’s report on the fifteen-year review, specifically mentioned the significance of media and ICT to women’s rights, including use of media and ICT in combating violence against women.

Media and communication have been turned upside down since Beijing.

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