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It takes more than a diverse cabinet to advance a feminist foreign policy

Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

February 2, 2021

It takes more than a diverse cabinet to advance a feminist foreign policy

Source: Foreign Policy

The Biden administration must move beyond superficial inclusion and actively promote gender equality globally while seeking to reverse the harm done in the name of forever wars.

Liberal world order is back, and ostensibly more inclusive than ever. As outgoing U.S. President ­Donald Trump’s team of grifters, conspiracy theorists, and would-be putschists torch Washington on their way out, incoming President Joe Biden continues to introduce his cabinet—most recently picking former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power as head of the U.S. Agency for International Development. The new administration promises a revival of progressive foreign policy, signaled above all by the “racial and gender mix” of its leadership, as the New York Times described it. Yet, the relief at Trump’s exit risks obscuring the contest between a form of elite inclusion within the national security system and more radical challenges to that same order.

The incoming team is much-celebrated for the diversity of its membership, projecting a very different image of American power than the Trump administration’s “alpha male” nationalism. 

Click here the full article published by Foreign Policy on 20 January 2021.

Toni Haastrup and Paul Kirby
Focus areas

The Biden administration must move beyond superficial inclusion and actively promote gender equality globally while seeking to reverse the harm done in the name of forever wars.

Liberal world order is back, and ostensibly more inclusive than ever. As outgoing U.S. President ­Donald Trump’s team of grifters, conspiracy theorists, and would-be putschists torch Washington on their way out, incoming President Joe Biden continues to introduce his cabinet—most recently picking former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power as head of the U.S. Agency for International Development. The new administration promises a revival of progressive foreign policy, signaled above all by the “racial and gender mix” of its leadership, as the New York Times described it. Yet, the relief at Trump’s exit risks obscuring the contest between a form of elite inclusion within the national security system and more radical challenges to that same order.

The incoming team is much-celebrated for the diversity of its membership, projecting a very different image of American power than the Trump administration’s “alpha male” nationalism. 

Click here the full article published by Foreign Policy on 20 January 2021.

Toni Haastrup and Paul Kirby
Focus areas